Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school

Ahhh the first day of school.  Ive been waiting for this day for a few weeks now.  The boys on the other hand, not so much.
This morning I saw the nervousness in Anthonys face when he left for the bus.  I saw him biting his lip.  Just like I do when Im nervous.  He was ready though.  I remember taking him to his first day at Head Start.  He was 3.  It was after Christmas break.  He had that same nervous look on his face.  So shy.  You could tell he just wanted the other kids to like him.  He wanted to have lots of friends, but didnt know how to talk to them.  I could only imagine him walking into his class today and seeing kids from Vinton.  Being nervous about the other kids, but hopeful he may make a new friend.  I know he was worried about his locker.  He was so worried he would forget his combination.  Which he did, but I told him it would take a few days to get used to remembering it.

We decided to take Jonathan and Dylan this morning so we could show them where to go.  Its a new school for Jonathan this year, and Dylan of course its his first year at school period.

We took Jonathan to class first.  He stood there very nervous.  I talked to the teacher a minute to make sure she knew he had to ride the bus to Sunnyside.  One last look over my shoulder and I was leaving my 2nd grader with his new class of potential friends.

Then it was time to take Dylan to his class.  I saw Mrs. Black from preschool.  Her daughter is in his class too.  Thats when Dylan started getting nervous.  He clung to Ryans hand as we weaved to his class.  I stood out side for a minute taking a couple pictures.  Then I made my way to his desk where he was sitting with Ryan.  I took some more pictures.  Got excited when I saw his name on the desk.  He sat there not saying much.  He was very quiet.  Which is not like Dylan at all.  We said good bye and walked out of the class.  Leaving my youngest son to sit there and wonder what the day hold for him.

I wish all my boys a wonderful school year.  I hope they make lots of new friends and many more memories to carry with them through their lives.

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