Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

I have big plans for 2012.  Im starting the new year right.  Im going to go on a diet and start working out.    I have a total of about 80 pounds I would like to lose.  I just have to remember it takes time to see results.  Sure it will be hard work, but in the end I will be a lot happier.  Just gotta take one day at a time.  First change Im making is Im not buying pop anymore.  Ill allow myself one once in awhile, but I wont buy it.  I have some Jillian Michaels work out videos down loaded that I can use.  Plus the Zumba.  Even if I only do a couple routines in Zumba.  Its worth it.  I have to realize that I am fat, but dont have to be that way.  One day at a time.  I know I keep saying that, but thats what I need to remember.  Gonna buy more fruits and veggies to snack on.  It will be a good thing for the kids to see too.
Im excited for things to come for us as a family too.  Lots of good things are coming for us.  Ryan get hired on in a few weeks.  Thats huge for us.  I will be able to see the doctor and finally get back on meds to help me.  I cant wait for life to get better and better :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Enough is enough

I have decided that enough is enough.  No more excuses.  No more bullshit.  I am going to lose weight this coming up year.  Im going to get everything in place to be able to have a routine to work out.  I have to make the effort more.  Im tired of not fitting in my clothes anymore.  When we go on vacation in July I want to feel better about myself.  I know realistically I wont be where I want to be, but I will be on my way at least.  Its not going to be easy, but I will take it one day at a time.  Set a goal to do and stick to it.  I need to get a new scale since mine doesnt work anymore.  Im going to do measurements once a week and weigh in once a week.  No one is going to do it for me, and the only way to lose the weight is to get off my ass.  This year will be different.