Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where were you?

This coming Sunday will mark the 10 year anniversary that we were attacked at the World Trade Towers.  That is a day I will never forget.  While I am not from New York, and have never even been there, the attacks affected everyone.  I was not directly affected.  I did not know anyone there.  I did not know anyone that knew someone there even.  I was just a person sitting on my couch watching the news that day when the tragedy unrolled before our eyes.

That day had started like any other day.  Woke up with Anthony who was only 3 months old at the time, and turned the TV on to watch the news.  Mom had gotten up at some point and was watching it with me.  It was our little routine.  We would watch the news every morning.  I loved watching WGN out of Chicago.  When the first plane hit I remember them saying that something flew into one of the Towers.  I went to the kitchen to finishing making my bagel when my mom said "OH MY GOD!" The second Tower was just hit.  Clearly it was not an accident.  We were under attack.  We watched in horror as the smoke poured from the towers.  You could see people jump from the building.  I was in shock.  I could not believe we were actually witnessing this.  As the day would unfold we would learn of another plane going down.  One in Pennsylvania. We would later learn the intended destination of that plane was the White House.  Only the passengers on that plane fought back.  If it wasnt for them the terrorists would have hit the White House.

Its a day that is etched in history forever.  My kids will learn all about that day.  They will ask me where I was and what I was doing on that day.

So....where were you on that day that America changed?

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