Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Anthony's labor

June 6, 2001 started just like any other day.  (Ive always wanted to start something like that) Really, it did.  I was almost 40 weeks.  Just a few days shy.  I had to go to the doctor that night.  5 something was my appointment.  Me and mom went to grandmas for a little bit.  Mom was making home made noodles.  Mmm.  I was fat and pregnant and my ass wanted those.  We actually went to favorite restaurant...before my appointment.  I was of course "starving" and couldnt wait for noodles.  I dont know for sure, but I think I had a cheese omelet.  Thats all I ever got from there...unless I got cream of potato soup.  So good.  So after we ate we went to the doctor.  The nurse called me back.  I peed in the cup.  She took my blood pressure.  She didnt say anything about it.  I didnt ask.  Went in the room and waited for the doctor.  I dont remember if my mom was in there or not.  I remember him coming in and checking me.  Told me I was only 1cm.  Then he said my blood pressure was on the high side and he was sending me to the hospital for induction.  Ummm what?  I was not ready at all.  So we went to the hospital.  Which was right across the street.  I got up to labor and delivery and got settled in my room.  The nurse came in and put a pill on my cervix to help get things moving.  She said it would help soften and open me up.  Thanks.  I think.  I wasnt allowed to eat or drink anything either.  Good thing I ate before I went.  But dammit.  That meant I missed noodles.  So we called grandma and let her know.  Aunt Mimi was working so she came by.  We called Aunt Sue and Lori and Aunt Linda and Crystal.  Grandma came up to the hospital.  I knew she would. Aunt Linda, Crystal, and Aunt Mini were there as well.  I knew I wanted mom in the room with me.  Lori was going to be, but for whatever reason she wasnt there.  So I asked Aunt Mimi.  She had helped in labor and delivery many times.  She was awesome.  I dont remember what time, but somewhere around  9ish I think we thought my water broke.  There was a lot of blood so they couldnt tell for sure on the test strip.  Thats when I got pitocin.  My blood pressure was being monitored by the auto cuff.  Thing was a pain in my ass.  I hated it.  The highest I saw it go was 200/100.  I know it was higher then that at one point.  I was allowed a few ice chips and sips of water eventually.  I remember asking Aunt Mimi for a drink.  I was trying so hard to be polite in front of her.  I didnt want to cuss.  I did get a shot of stadol and after that anytime I thought I cussed I would say Im sorry.  Only I wasnt cussing out loud.  I was apologizing out loud...just not cussing out loud.  Everyone laughed of course.  I was high.  Aunt Linda was trying to be nice and rub my feet for me.  I kept telling her not to touch me.  It really bothered me when she touched me.  I dont know why.  At some point my water really did break.  I remember laying there thinking....what the fuck was that.  OH MY GOD my water broke.  NURSE!!!!!!!  She came in and said she was calling the doctor and would be bake.  She came back with a few other nurses who opened up the little room where the baby goes.  Had I not been in pain like I was I would have thought it was pretty fucking cool.  So the nurse kicks everyone out except mom and Aunt Mimi.  I dont remember much after that.  The doctor came in just before 2 and said he would be right back.  Literally 2 minutes later he walked back in and in scrubs.  He said down and told me to push.  Next thing I remember hes telling the nurse to get the vacuum and cut my crotch open.  Then he stuck this thing up there and sucked Anthony out.  Um yeah thanks for the warning doc.  Anthony was born at 2:02am on June 7.  It was a Thursday.  I had a son.  My very first son.  He was 8lbs 1oz and perfect.....except the little spot on his head from the vacuum that looked like one of those hats Jews wear.  My tiny little baby.  I was in love like I never knew I could be.  I was also very scared.  What the hell was I going to do with this baby?  Who was going to take care of him?  Oh yeah.  Me.  Hes mine.  " me change his diaper."

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